Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Kurt Sutter on Show Running

For anyone interested, this is a post from Kurt Sutter's blog, SutterInk.

Kurt Sutter is the creator of Sons of Anarchy. He also wrote for The Shield. If you haven't seen either of these shows, I implore you to rent - hell! BUY THEM! - at your earliest convenience. The Shield is done (still, watch it!), but Sons of Anarchy is on the rise. And Sons of Anarchy was my true wake-up call as far as not being a dick - err, refusing to watch a show that didn't involve superheroes, Homer Simpson or polar bears.  However, now is not the time to pontificate on what I call Serial Awesomeness.

The following link is Kurt Sutter's blog on the differences between creating a show and actually running it day-to-day. As far as I know, no show runner has ever written something like this.

I figured this would be interesting for anyone reading this blog. Enjoy!


- Nick

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